This is an official high school broadcast hosted by Huntley High School.
Good Morning Huntley High School! Welcome back to another episode of Raider Nation News!
Our HHS vex robotics team recently began their tournament season. Let me just say, they make some pretty impressive bots. Let's check it out ... 0:29
The next tournament for the robotics team is at Batavia High School on November 24th. Good luck red raiders!
Huntley High School was lucky enough to add a new position to the college and career center. We sat down with Mrs. Martins, who was appointed at set position ... 1:50
Honestly, thinking about college can be overwhelming! But Mrs. Martins can definitely help.
The PBIS team has arranged a special showing of "The S Word" documentary. Let's hear from one of the PBIS team leaders ... 3:32
On behalf of the Red Raiders, we're greatful to have a community that cares about such an important topic. Be sure to take advantage of this unique opportunity.
(We didn't have time to reshoot an intro for this next story, but here it is anyway ... 5:14)
-- Feedback --
If you enjoyed this week's episode of Raider Nation News, we highly recommend giving feedback to us! (We love hearing your voice!)
-- A Special Thank You To ... --
Maria Mirkhan, who has been helping us with the editing process of raider nation news since episode 1.
Nick Decatoire, who stayed after school to help out RNN during a fire alarm incident to help manage the post production process for this week's newscast so that our audience can get the best quality content possible out of the newscast, AND recaptured all of the footage and audio for The S Word story which was originally suppose to be done by someone else.
Jacob Habel, who stayed after school to help out RNN during a fire alarm incident to help manage the post production process for this week's newscast so that our audience can get the best quality content possible out of the newscast, redesigning the thumbnails, finding solutions AND coming up with creative ideas on how to make RNN better in the future.
Happy Friday Raiders, and have a great Halloween!
- Raider Nation News